Friday, December 27, 2019

Money issues Gen Xers, Baby Boomers wish they learned earlier

Money issues Gen Xers, Baby Boomers wish they learned earlierMoney issues Gen Xers, Baby Boomers wish they learned earlierNew research from Comet Financial Intelligence shows that the most popular money issue that Generation Xers and Baby Boomers wished theyd learned when they were younger is how the stock market works.Comet surveyed 1,002 people using Amazons Mechanical Turk, and released the self-reported data. The company also reported that people in the Millennial generation are currently between 22 and 37, and that Generation Z is made up of those born from 1997 onward.The three main topics that different generations wish they knew beforeThe retirement saving process and raking in mora cash through investment in real estate also took center stage.What different generations are curious about vs. what theyve heardTheres a big discrepancy between the two Many members of Generation Z, as well as Millennials, have been told to make a budget, when the most pressing issue many would ra ther learn about is actually how the stock market works.Crucial money advice for young peopleResearch has found that more than half of workers who are older than age 60 are putting off retirement until a later time, but that definitely doesnt mean young people are off the hook. The most important thing for younger people to keep in mind when it comes to money is to begin stashing away cash for their Golden Years - theyll probably come your way sooner than you think.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

How to trick yourself into sticking to a budget

How to trick yourself into sticking to a budgetHow to trick yourself into sticking to a budgetBudgeting and money management is not an innate skill that were born with. Yes, some people are naturally more disciplined and organized than others, but that doesnt mean theyre always great with money. However, even if money matters elude you, you can still take control of your finances to put yourself in a healthy situation and build a good life. Sometimes, doing that requires you to trick yourself into it. No one approach works for everyone, but some of these tips might work for youGet clear on your numbersThe first step to financial success is always to figure out where youre starting from. You cant implement a budget or new habits if you dont do this first. Figure out how much money you have coming in every month, and get clear on how much money absolutely needs to go out. This includes things like rent, utilities, student loans, etc. Whatever is leftover can be allocated into your spen ding budget, savings goals, and extra debt payments. Once youre clear on these numbers, you can create your budget and set up tools to help you stick to it.AutomateAutomation is key when it comes to financial management. It removes human error from the equation by taking the action for you. That way, you cant forget or actively avoid paying your bills or building up your savings. Set up auto-pay for your utilities, credit cards, and subscriptions. Make aya you keep track of when these payments are due so that you always have enough money in your bank account to cover them. You should also automate any savings youre able to contribute to. Set up your 401k deduction with your employer, and make sure a portion of your paycheck deposits directly into your savings account(s).Set up a spending accountOne of the more genius ideas Ive heard of is opening a checking account that is allocated specifically for everyday spending. Then there is a separate checking account that covers bills, like rent and other expenses. In this scenario, you would set up your paycheck direct deposit to split into the two accounts based on your bills and your spending budget. Ideally, you would leave your bills debit card at home and only use the debit card that goes with your spending account. Once you groe nachfrage out of money, you have to wait until you get paid next. That can be a motivating factor in keeping your spending down as the weeks go by. It also makes it so that youll never accidentally spend the money that you need to pay your bills.Use cash onlyMaybe youve heard of the envelope method of budgeting. Basically, it means that you set a budget for each spending category each month. Then you put the cash for each amount in an envelope dedicated to that specific category. You only use cash for spending, and once you run out in one area, youre done spending on that category. Another, simpler approach is to take out cash at the beginning of each week and use it on your everyday sp ending until its gone. Once its gone, you cant spend more money until the next week starts. This can be painful, but it will show you where you tend to overspendUse apps that move your money for youIf you know you wont save or invest money on your own, take advantage of all the great apps out there that will do it for you, likeAcorns,Digit,Qapital,Qoinsand more. Many of these apps will use a round-up method to put small amounts of the everyday money that you spend into a savings or investment account. If that approach doesnt appeal to you, you can also choose the exact amount that these apps move for you each month.I have a client who usesDigitnot just for saving money, but for setting money aside for rent during the month. She used to find herself strapped for cash and stressed out at the end of the month when rent was due. Then she set up Digit to pull half of her rent from her mid-month paycheck so that she wouldnt spend it without realizing. The app holds the money in a separate account until its due. Now, at the end of the month, she always has enough money to pay her rent and doesnt have to worry about it.Disconnect your cards from online accountsHave you ever made a purchase on Amazon without even thinking about it because your debit or credit card information was already programmed in? Youre not alone. This convenience makes it much easier to spend money impulsively. If you had to stop and type in your credit card number everytime you wanted to make a purchase, youd probably be more discerning. So disconnect your cards so that you have to think twice about that purchase.Delete apps from your phoneHave you ever deleted the Twitter or Facebook app from your phone so that you wouldnt use them so much? This helpful approach can also apply to shopping apps. I once had a client who would open up the Sephora app on her phone when she was bored. This immediately led to her buying makeup that she didnt need and couldnt afford. I suggested that she delete the ap p from her phone to remove the temptation, and within days, she realized she had no urge to buy from Sephora anymore. Figure out your most tempting app and delete it from your phone. See how your impulse spending changes afterwards.Budgeting is not a one-size-fits-all system. What works for you might not work for someone else. Its important to know yourself and your habits so that you can know exactly what you need to trick yourself into sticking to a budget. So, what kinds of tricks would help you?Thisarticlewas originally posted on a feminist and financial coach for women. She helps women improve their relationship with money so they can take control of their financial future. She does this through one-on-one financial coaching, workshops, writing, and speaking engagements. She also foundedMoney Circle, which is a stahlkammer space for women to talk about money without feeling judged. Its a way to create community and openness around personal fina nce. Passionate about many issues affecting women,Maggieis a member of theWomens Information Networkand was trained as a salary negotiation facilitator byAAUW.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

JOMO is the new FOMO and its perfect for preventing burnout

JOMO is the new FOMO and its perfect for preventing burnoutJOMO is the new FOMO and its perfect for preventing burnoutFinally an abbreviation we can all get behind. First, there was FOMO, which addressed that universal feeling we have all developed thanks to the rise of social media. See in the dark ages (you know, before Instagram) we werent as jealous of other people because we had to use our imaginations to think about all the cool things they were doing, but now thanks to all these social media platforms we actually have cold, hard evidence that people are having way better lives than us (or so it seems) thus giving us all FOMO.Except somewhere along the way of being jealous and bummed that we were constantly missing things, we started to get tired of constantly being tuned in and knowing about every single thing everyone was doing ever. The average teenager spends around six hours a day refreshing their social media feeds and the average adult spends about four. That comes out to about 37% of a teens waking hours and 25% for adults being spent on social media. We are obsessed.And notlage only social media but we are also constantly checking our email and Slack and other work-related systems in some ways because we are expected to but also simply because we can.Accordingto a new studyfrom LinkedIn, almost70% of employees dont disconnect from work email or communications even while on vacation.Embrace the Joy of Missing OutThat is why so many people are starting to embrace JOMO aka the Joy Of Missing Out. We are now so thrilled (well some of us) if we are on a plane and have no WiFi because we literally cant be in the communication, social media, Slack GIF channel, etc., We have to take a break.Hayley Phelan recently explored this newly discovered freedom in a piece for The New York Times. After losing WiFi midway through a flight, instead of a sense of complete panic setting in, something else happened. First I did not fall out of the sky. Second After re covering from the initial fury-implosion, I worked more intently and productively than I had in ages.We are so tuned in and tuned up so now a clean break, even if for a few hours, is absolutely necessary and quite enjoyable. Tehrene Firman wrote on Well Good, Adults need boundaries too, and after busy days hustling at work (and sometimes a side gig), staying in and socially disconnecting from the outside world bywashing off your makeup,firing up Netflix, and gobbling down abowl of (healthy) popcornis pretty much the crme de la crme.This is why you are seeing digital detox holidays and no social media wellness treats rise in popularity. Heck, Google and Instagram are installing tools to encourage you to be on them less.As comedian John Mulaney once perfectly put it, Interms of instant relief,canceling plans is like heroin suchinstantjoy.This is not to say that you should be totally tuned out and sitting under a blanket in the dark watching Netflix in full on hygge-mode all the time - Glamours Elizabeth Kiefer recently wrote of a cancellation epidemic amongst young women - but once a week, or once a month, or even for an hour or two, JOMO could do your mind wonders.So embrace the joy of missing out occasionally.

Friday, December 13, 2019

Free Professional Veterinary Technician Resume Template

Free Professional Veterinary Technician Resume TemplateFree Professional Veterinary Technician Resume TemplateIf you have veterinary technician experience that shows your career progressing in an orderly manner, then a professional resume may serve you well. Show that each job builds on the previous one, and you are in good shape. Write in professional language, and to see what we mean about career progression, check out a few professional resume templates. We have a sample free professional veterinary technician resume below, too. There are a few tips to help you after the sample resume.Create ResumeCustomize ResumeWhat to Include in a Professional Veterinary Technician ResumeIn a professional resume, you show a logical progression of your work. For example, a specialized interest comes to the forefront and/or you are promoted to positions of greater responsibility or specialization. Outline your expertise in the areas of skills, work experience and education, and make your resume p op even mora with bullet points for easier reading. It is a good idea to use job-description keywords in your resume when you can.Common Resume Fails Mistakes to AvoidKeyword Overstuffing Using keywords from the job description can be smart, yes, but you do want to avoid overstuffing. Your resume should flow naturally and not sound contrived avoid repeating the same keywords, for example.Overwhelming Amounts of Text Lots of people have lots of work experience. Keep your resume to one page if possible, although two pages are okay if your expertise warrants it. Cut off your work experience at about 15 years ago unless there are circumstances such as you have worked with the same employer for much of your career.Personal Pronouns Avoid referring to yourself as he, she, I or my. Write in sentences that have the subject cut off, for example, Took and recorded patient histories.Getting Tenses Wrong If you currently work at a job, describe your responsibilities in the present tense (for ex ample, take). If you no longer work at a certain business, you should use past tense (took). Do write in past tense for past accomplishments at a current job, however.Being Unprofessional Just one slip is all it takes to appear unprofessional. Check that your email address is fit for the business world, and proofread your resume.Resume Content Fisher Havenford 889 Chavez Boulevard, Roanoke, VA 11111 555.555.1891 Summary Dedicated and responsible veterinary technician with 10 years of experience working with animals. Certification and licensure in Virginia. Consistently recognized by clients and veterinarians for efforts with small, large and exotic animals. Seeking position with focus on exotic animals. Highlights Licensed and certified veterinary technician in VirginiaOngoing education in working with exotic animals such as ferrets, rabbits, frogs, parrots and snakesMember, National Association of Veterinary Technicians in AmericaBilingual in English an d SpanishExcellent bedside mannerGreat at thinking outside of the boxCalm and compassionateExemplary communications skillsExperience Veterinary Technician 7/1/2008 Present Dogs, Reptiles and More Roanoke, VA Work with companion animals such as dogs, cats, ferrets, parrots, lizards and snakes.Focus progressively more on exotic-animal care.Collect urine, blood, tissue and other specimens for testing.Perform laboratory tests.Administer anesthesia to animals and track their responses.Take and record patients case histories.Provide education to humans on how to care for their pets.Developed program to recruit more exotic-animal patients to practice exotic-animal caseload doubled.Recognized by management five times for professional and compassionate care. Veterinary Technician 7/1/2006 8/1/2008 Animal Lovers Roanoke, VA Worked as a jack-of-all-trades veterinary technician.Received consistent praise for excellent bedside manner.Prepared animals for surgical procedures.Assisted veterina rian during surgery and other procedures.Began seeing and working with exotic animals. Education Bachelor of Applied Science in Veterinary Technology, 05/2006Daceville University, Daceville, VA

Sunday, December 8, 2019

What the In-Crowd Wont Tell You About Dance Resume Template

What the In-Crowd Wont Tell You About Dance Resume Template The Most Popular Dance Resume Template If you prefer your resume to stick out in the crowd of thousands of different resumes for the very same job post, then you have to certainly try something different. A resume customized for the position youre seeking is a very best practice in any business. The absolute fruchtwein important point to have when you are looking for a job for a dancer (well, next to amazing skills) is a great CV. Keep in mind, your resume is intended to secure you an interview and catch a possible employers interest. On a minumum of one of them you will understand that the number used changed. Sure, do just a little name dropping if you believe it will provide help. When you need to teach somebody, you need to have understanding of the area. Place your complete name on top, and include your own personal information on top on each side of your name. If youre helped by the notion of the article Dance resume schablone, dont neglect to share with your buddies. One more thing youre going to need is a great resume After all of the training and efforts, you wouldnt need an easy part of paper to ruin your chances at an important opportunity. The very first part of a resume that each and every employer looks at is the name. Odds are that your experience wont fit perfectly into a typical resume template, therefore it can be somewhat confusing to compose the document in a manner that is logical. Volunteer work is also a rather superior portion of your work experience. Candidates with good work experience neednt need to compose a career objective. If you own a lot of different training, dont hesitate to leave out unrelated experiences. What You Must Know About Dance Resume Template Accordingly, you can download a template and get started working on it. You might have to observe the template to know the requirements. If you take advantage of a wonderful template you truly make y our likelihood of exposure huge. Upload your resume to your on-line application. You ought to be writing code, plenty of it. The applicant name should always be found at the very top of the webpage however theres some freedom here. Please remember it includes sensitive info about me as a private individual. No unnecessary information should be supplied in it. As its name suggests, a First-Year Student resume template is merely for the simple highlight and guides. The list is virtually endless. Next, you will enter your personal info and earn a password. Find a resume template at which you will include all the appropriate dance details. Maybe you truly feel worried after you consider switching to software. After the template is downloaded, and you are totally ready with all specifics of you, it merely requires a couple of minutes or might be close to an hour to arrange all of it in the field mentioned on the Sample Resume Format. Dance resume template is among the design i deas you may utilize to reference your Resume. Dance resume template is among the pictures inside the category of Resume and a lot more images inside that category. You can opt to open another account for the assorted support. Now the true hard question begins. Choreographic experience, when you have any. Generally once you submit an application for a job, you will need the resume and the cover letter. You could also observe the Sample Resumes. You could also observe the Resume Examples. Resumes are bio-data which you build to symbolize your identity on paper or on the internet. You are able to also see Functional Resume.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

4 Fail-Proof Strategies for Getting the Most Out of Your Business Day

4 Fail-Proof Strategies for Getting the Most Out of Your Business Day If youve ever caught yourself snapping at loved ones or stuck between two alternatives in a business decision, youve probably experienced entrepreneurial fatigue. Startup culture programs us tothink that it takes nearly nonstop work to make it to the top. People think of sleeping pods in offices, hackathons, and endless cups ofcoffee. Sometimes, the pressure to always be on can disguise itself asa flexible work schedule. In reality, the fact that you can work from anywhereis just an invitation to work no matter where you are.As an entrepreneur building a lifestyle business, I find that directing a 100-percentremote company can easily turn into an exercise in being a workaholic if I dont put limits on myself. I learned this the hard way with my first few businesses, where I used to work myself into the ground thinking that that w as what productivity meant.No matter how driven you may be, your body simply wasnt made to be on 24/7. Pushing yourself beyond the point of fatigue is not a sustainable strategy in the long term.If you want your business to thrive, then you have to give it the very best of yourself. That doesnt mean putting in grueling 18-hour days amped up on caffeine, ordering fast food for its convenience, and sitting the whole time. It means giving your business focused, productive energy and doing whatever you need to do to replenish that energy.Stand by Your Quitting TimeYou should give your business a significant portion of your time every day, but you dont have to be on call all the time. Institute a hard stop every day. Mine is around 430 P.M.After that, I spend time with my family or hang out with my friends.Its amazing what this has done for my productivity. Compared to when I was first starting out when I used to work any time I wasnt sleeping forcing myself to stick to a hard stop ti me gives my day more structure. I might put in fewer hours of work overall, but the ones that I do put in are hyperfocused. My overall productivity has remained the same, and I have more time to spend on other things I love.SleepStudies showthat people who get between seven andeight hours of sleep every night perform better on cognitive tests. Thats why Ive stopped believing in all-nighters. Ive found that the one-time increase in hours worked is something I wind up paying for days afterward. Its like sprinting the first two miles in a marathon your overall movement becomes slower even though you really push it for a short stretch.Your business is like a big marathon for your brain, so do what you need to do to get enough sleep for your body and wake up rested. The quality of your sleep matters, too. Sleep in complete darkness and avoidscreen time before bed (that means no checking your phone or tablet whilethe lights are off). Your brain maintains itself, heals,and organizes inform ation while youre asleep,all ofwhich is crucial for your continued success as an entrepreneur.ExerciseExercise produces endorphins that boost your mental state and calm you down, helping you focus and make better decisions for your business. By improving your mood and lowering stress, youll avoid making rash decisions motivated by anxiety.Exercise also boosts energy and reduces fatigue by helping you sleep better.Thisstudyshows that these benefits can even come from low-intensity exercise, as long as its regular.For me, playing with the kids, taking a brisk walk around the block, or even doing some yard work all count if Im moving around and I break a sweat. Make an effort to get fitby exercising in the morning orduring the mid-afternoon slump, and youll have much more mental energy for your business.Reduce Decision Fatigue With RoutineDecision fatigue is an inevitable result of having to make decisions every day. When the volume of decisions you have to make istoo high, your mental energy getsdepleted, and your brain experiences a short-term burnout. Entrepreneurs who try to work through decision fatigue experience great lapses in judgment, have difficulty staying focused, and tend to be more pessimistic.The key to reducing decision fatigue is to schedule all your important decision-making moments earlier in the day, when you have more mental energy. Then implement as many routines as you can in your workday so that you have to spend less mental energy elsewhere. I find that scheduling time to review my employees work, answering emails, and any other easy tasks are best done at the same time each day, ideally in the afternoon. At this point, because I know they come at the same time every day, those tasks are like brushing my teeth something I just do instead of deciding to do.No matter which of these techniques you choose for reducing mental fatigue, thinkof these tips as energy boostsinstead ofbreaks. Productivity doesnt come from being glued to the helm o f your business every waking moment. It comes from energized, focused bouts of work, balanced with well-deserved rest.-This article originally appeared on BusinessCollective.Dave Nevogt is a cofounder ofHubstaff, a time-tracking software for remote teams. Hubstaff allows managers to see time spent on projects, screenshots, activity levels, in-depth reports, and timesheets. Dave has been founding companies since 2004, with his first success coming at age 23. Follow him at dnevogt.